Stress-free psychological tests

for drivers, machine operators and more

Check what our clients say






Your comfort is our priority

The company

PSYCHOTEST Pomorskie Centrum Badań Psychotechnicznych is a young, dynamically developing company in the local market. The company is registered under number 105-GPP in the Pomeranian Voivdship Marshal's register of enterpreneurs running a psychological testing centre, which gives us the authority to conduct psychological assessments for drivers and issue appropriate documents.
The office interior with the testing equipment

The Psychologist

The Psychologist

Alicja Malinowska, MSc, social psychologist, psychologist licenced to conduct psychological assessments in the scope of traffic psychology (Nr OP-9/2015 in the psychologists register) and a career advisor. The owner of the company.

I invite to use our services everyone who cares about friendly atmosphere, and time. I know that tests of all sorts can be stressful, therefore I do my best to reduce that stress. The tests are conducted in a friendly and stress-free atmosphere, which fosters better results for our clients.

I offer flexible bookings because I am aware that time is very important for the clients. All you need to do is get in touch and book your test at a convenient time.

Please get in touch!

We offer a variety of psychological tests

Professional drivers

Truck drivers
Taxi drivers
Bus drivers
Rally drivers
Tram drivers

Special vehicles drivers

Police cars drivers
Ambulance drivers
Firetruck drivers
Armoured cars drivers
Driving instructors

Drivers with revoked licence

Drivers who drove under the influence
Drivers who exceeded the penalty points limit
Drivers who caused a road accident

Occupational psychology

Forklift drivers
Machine operators
Work at heights
Road roller drivers
Cat. B drivers for work purposes

Individuals carrying firearms

Personal protection
Historical reconstructions

Psychological diagnosis

Cognitive abilities
Psychomotor abilities
Social competencies

What to expect

Before the appointment

  • Make sure to arrive healthy and rested (fatigue has a negative influence on the results)
  • Do not drink alcohol in thr 48 hours preceding the appointment
  • Bring with you:
Assessment referral
Glasses/contact lenses if you use them
ID card
Driving licence (in case of drivers)

During the appointment

The tests differ, depending on the profession of the tested person and/or the goal of the assessment. However, the stages of the assessment are similar for everyone.

Questionnaire and paper-pen tests
Appliances tests
Targeted psychological interview
Psychological opinion and discussion of the results

The testing time depends on the pace of the person being tested but thanks to the state-of-the-art appliances and software it is reduced and significantly shorter than the assessment using the traditional methods.

Assessment-related anxiety

It is natural that a psychological assessment may cause anxiety. In our centre we do our best to make sure that the test experience is a comfortable one. We ensure friendly approach and stress-free atmosphere.

Instructions for each test are explained in details and repeated if needed
In case of any doubts you can always ask the psychologist for an explanation
You do not have to score perfectly to receive a positive opinion

Book your appointment – tel. 731 70 76 70 or use a contact form

For GP surgeries and companies

Why work with us

We kindly invite you to work with PSYCHOTEST. We offer cooperation on preferential conditions and individually tailored offer.

Possibility to conduct group tests
Competetive prices and discounts
One invoice issued at the end of each month
Flexible testing times
Downolad a service agreement template
Downolad a referral template


Mandatory - transport

Fixed price - according to the HEALTH MINISTER ORDINANCE from the 8th July 2014 regarding psychological tests

Applies to all the drivers mentioned in the Road Transport Act and or Vehicle Drivers Act

  • Professional drivers
  • Special vehicles drivers
  • Drivers with revoked licence

150 PLN

Mandatory - occupational medicine

Individuals who are mentioned in the Act of the Occupational Medicine.

Assessments for indivduals in the category of Occupational psychology, referred by an occupational medicine doctor.

80 PLN

Mandatory - firearms

Individuals mentioned in the Act of Firearms and Ammunition from 21st May 1999.

Test for the individuals who carry firearms or apply for the firearm licence.

200 PLN

Psychological diagnosis

The price depends on the amount and type of selected tests.

This is an offer for people who want to learn more about themselves, their abilities, personality traits, strenghts and areas for development. Self-awareness is the first step to better coping in professional life, better communcation with others and fulfilling interpersonal relationships. The tests we use are certified by Polish Psychology Association, which ensures their high reliability and validity.

Set individually


PSYCHOTEST Pomorskie Centrum Badań Psychotechnicznych
Alicja Malinowska
Ul. Warszawska 1-3 81-314 Gdynia
Tel. 731 70 76 70
Contact form